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./product_data/regression_test/downloaded_data/SeaBASS/33RO20071215/HPLC/hplc20080211_1417_0005m.sb The header line picked: /fields=Tot_Chl_a,Tot_Chl_b,Tot_Chl_c,alpha-beta-Car,But-fuco,Hex-fuco,Allo,Diadino,Diato,Fuco,Perid,Zea,MV_Chl_a,DV_Chl_a,Chlide_a,MV_Chl_b,DV_Chl_b,Chl_c1c2,Chl_c3,Lut,Neo,Viola,Phytin_a,Phide_a,Pras,Gyro The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2_Mg_3_8_divinyl_pheoporphyrin_a5 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? 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./product_data/regression_test/downloaded_data/SoFEX/33RR20020105/hplc/pigments.tsv The header line picked: event event_SFX event_MV date time lon lat ev_type sta bot depth chlide_a chl_c peridinin fucox_but fucox fucox_hex diadinox allox diatox chl_b chl_a carotene_b chlide_chl_a The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Allox The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: DD The variables found: DT All good? ./product_data/regression_test/downloaded_data/SoFEX/33RR20020105/chl/chl_profile.tsv The header line picked: ship_sta cast lon lat depth bot_samp filt f0 fa f0_to_fa chl_mg_m3 phaeo_mg_m3 fluor temp sal dens O2_mM_kg trans The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: FCHLORA The variables found: FPHEO All good? ./product_data/regression_test/downloaded_data/SeaBASS/320620060703/HPLC/NBP0606_HPLC.txt The header line picked: /fields=date,time,station,lat,lon,depth,Chl_c3,Chl_c2,Chl_c1,Chlide_a,Phide_a,Perid,But-fuco,Fuco,Neo,Pras,Viola,Hex-fuco,Diadino,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,DV_Chl_b,MV_Chl_b,DV_Chl_a,MV_Chl_a,Phytin_a,Tot_Chl_a The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? ./product_data/regression_test/downloaded_data/NODC/320620060703/POC/200901_Mitchell_Data2NODC_pigments_nutrients_NBP.csv The header line picked: Cruise,CastID,Latitude_decimal,Longitude_decimal,Rosette_Bottle_ID,GMT_DateTime,Depth_m,Chlorophyll_a_Fluor,Nitrate,Nitrite,Ammonium,Phosphate,Silicate,Chlorophyll_c3,Chlorophyll_c2,Chlorophyll_c1,Chlorophyllide_a,Pheophorbide_a,Peridinin,Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin,Fucoxanthin,Neoxanthin,Prasinoxanthin,Violaxanthin,Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin,Diadinoxanthin,Alloxanthin,Diatoxanthin,Zeaxanthin,Lutein,Gyroxanthin_diester,Chlorophyll_b,Divinyl_Chlorophyll_b,Monovinyl_Chlorophyll_b,Chlorophyll_a_Allomer,Divinyl_Chlorophyll_a,Monovinyl_Chlorophyll_a,Chlorophyll_a_epimer,Pheophytin,alpha_Carotene,beta_Carotene,alpha_beta_Carotene,Total_Chlorophyll_a,POC,PON The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: FCHLORA All good?