E:/Data_downloads/AADC/HPLC/09AR20010101/HPLC.csv The header line picked: Sample_Date,Sample_ID,YYYY,MM,DD,Time,DateTime_FLAG,CTD_ID,Analysis_Date,Latitude,Longitude,NominalDepth,chla,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: Chla All good? E:/Data_downloads/AADC/HPLC/09AR20011029/HPLC.csv The header line picked: Sample_Date,Sample_ID,YYYY,MM,DD,Time,DateTime_FLAG,CTD_ID,Analysis Date,PI,Latitude,Longitude,NominalDepth,Peridinin,Uriolide,But-Fuco,Fuco,Neo,Pras,Micromonol,Viola,Hex-Fuco,Micromonal,Diadino,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lutein,DihydroLutein,BB-car,un523,Chlc3,MVChl c3,MgDVP,Chl c2,Chl c1,Me-Chlide a,Phide a1,Phide a2,Phide a3,Phide a4,Phide a5,Chl b,np-Chl c2,Phytin a,Total Phides,TChla,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/AADC/HPLC/09AR20030103/HPLC.csv The header line picked: Sample_Date,Sample_ID,YYYY,MM,DD,Time,DateTime_FLAG,CTD_ID,Bottle Number,Analysis_Date,Latitude,Longitude,NominalDepth,chlc3,chlidea,MgDVP,chlc2,chlc1,mchlidea,per,uriolide,but,fuc,neox,prx,micromonol,violax,hex,Mmal,ddx,4-keto-hex,alx,dtx,zea,lut,dhlut,chl_b,np_chl_c2,a allom,a,a epi,BB,chl_a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chla_allom The variables found: Chla_prime The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT All good? E:/Data_downloads/AADC/HPLC/09AR20041001/HPLC.csv The header line picked: TubeLabel,Date(UTC),Time(UTC),Time(UTC)Formatted,Long Deg,Long Min,LongDec,Lat Deg,Lat Min,LatDec1,LatDec,Local time (dec hrs),Sea Temp,Ice,Lugol's#,HPLC Vol,Net Start,Net stop,Flow time (sec/2L),Chl a (ug/L),chlc3,MgDVP,chlc2,chlc1,per,uriolide,phidea,but,fuc,neox,prx,mmol,violax,hex,mmal,ddx,4-keto-hex,alx,dtx,zea,lut,dhlut,unk2,chl_b,np_chl_c2,UnkCar,unkCar11,unkCar12,unkCar52,phaeoa,BEcar,BB,pphaeoa,chl_a The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/AADC/HPLC/09AR20060102/HPLC.csv The header line picked: Sample_Date,Sample_ID,YYYY,MM,DD,Time,DateTime_FLAG,CTD_ID,Analysis_Date,Latitude,Longitude,NominalDepth,Chla,Peridinin,Uriolide,19'-ButFucox,Fucox,Neox,Prasinox,micromonol,Violax,4-keto 19'-hex-fucox,19'-Hexfuco,Micromonal,Diadinox,allox,Diatox,unk70,Zeax,Lutein,Dihydrolutein,Gyrox-Like1,Gyrox-Like2,Peri-like,Un450,Gyrox-Like3,Gyrox-Like4,Gyrox ester,Peri-like2,Pig08,un421,BY carot,unk micromonas pigment,BB carot,un540,un533,c3-like,Chl c3,Chlide-like1,Chlide-like3,Chlide-like2,Chlidea,MgDVP,un435,Chl c2,Chl c1,un408,Mechlide a,un440,un432,un431,un432b,Phaeophorbide a,pba2,pba4,pba5,unk31,unk32,unk33,unk49,un421,Chlb,Chl b epi ?,np-chl c2,allom1,allom2,epi,unk37,Phaeo-2,Phaeo,pha4,unk40,pba3,pba1,unk31a,np-chl c2 B, The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chla_prime The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Gamma_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/AADC/HPLC/09AR20080322/HPLC.csv The header line picked: Sample_Date,Sample_ID,YYYY,MM,DD,Time,DateTime_FLAG,CTD_ID,Analysis_Date,Latitude,Longitude,NominalDepth,Chla,Chl c2,Chl c1,Chl c3,Chlb,allox,alpha carot,ant,BB carot,ButFuc,BY carot,Chlidea,crocox,Ddx,Dihlut,dtx,epi,Fuc,Gyro1,Hex,Lut,MeChlide a,MgDVP,micromonal,micromonol,Mv-c3,neox,np-chl c2,Peridinin,peridinol,Phaeo,pras,unk micromonas,Uriolide,violax,Zea,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chla_prime The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Gamma_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/SeaBASS/09AR20160111/HPLC/SOCCOM_AU1603_HPLC.csv The header line picked: year,month,day,sdy,time,sample,lon,lat,station,bottle,depth,Tot_Chl_a,Tot_Chl_a_20umprefilt,Allo,beta-beta-Car,But-fuco,beta-psi-Car,Chl_c2,Chl_c3,Chl_b,Chlide_a,Diadino,Diato,Fuco,Gyro,Hex-fuco,Mg_DVP,Perid,Zea,Neo,Pras,Viola,bincount,quality The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Gamma_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19951115/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19951117T121200Z_SS1195-pigment_FV02_END-19951206T032700Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19960416/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19960416T224000Z_SS0296-pigment_FV02_END-19960429T054900Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP,, The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19960513/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19960514T032000Z_SS0396-pigment_FV02_END-19960527T034200Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19961120/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19960126T013700Z_SS0696-pigment_FV02_END-19961203T204600Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP,, The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19990110/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19990112T115700Z_SS0199-pigment_FV02_END-19990129T120500Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19990110/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19990115T132500Z_SS0199-pigment_FV02_END-19990131T081100Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19990206/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19990207T223800Z_SS0299-pigment_FV02_END-19990213T084500Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS19990206/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_19990208T173900Z_SS0299-pigment_FV02_END-19990216T104700Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20030822/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20030823T080000Z_SS072003-pigment_FV02_END-20030828T042000Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20040120/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20040120T045500Z_SS012004-pigment_FV02_END-20040127T060000Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20040723/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20040726T023000Z_SS072004-pigment_FV02_END-20040802T075600Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20050721/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20050721T215300Z_SS07-2005-pigment_FV02_END-20050815T151500Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20050721/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20050722T060500Z_SS07-2005-pigment_FV02_END-20050816T042100Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20051118/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20051126T025600Z_SS10-2005-pigment_FV02_END-20051212T053000Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20100730/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20100730T030500Z_SS2010_v06-pigment_FV02_END-20100807T114042Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20101015/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20101016T234500Z_SS201009-pigment_FV02_END-20101030T034600Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20120811/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20120811T080000Z_SS2012_v04-pigment_FV02_END-20120913T161300Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS_SRS/09SS20120907/HPLC/IMOS_SRS-OC-BODBAW_X_20120907T220000Z_SS2012_t06-pigment_FV02_END-20120913T140000Z.csv The header line picked: Time,Station_Code,Latitude,Longitude,Depth,CPHL_c3,Mg_DVP,CPHL_c2,CPHL_c1,CPHL_c1c2,CPHLIDE_a,Phide_a,Perid,Pyrophide_a,But_fuco,Fuco,Neo,Keto_Hex_fuco,Pras,Viola,Hex_fuco,Asta,Diadchr,Diadino,Dino,Anth,Allo,Diato,Zea,Lut,Cantha,Gyro,DV_CPHL_b,CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_b_plus_CPHL_b,DV_CPHL_a,CPHL_a,DV_CPHL_a_plus_CPHL_a,Echin,Phytin_b,Phytin_a,Lyco,beta_epi_Car,beta_beta_Car,alpha_beta_Car,Pyrophytin_a,Tot_CPHL_a,Tot_CPHL_b,Tot_CPHL_c,Tot_CPHL,PPC,PSC,PSP,Tacc,Tpg,DP The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: DVChlb The variables found: Chlc1 The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc1_Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: MgDVP The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: Alpha_Beta_car The variables found: Neox The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/PAL-LTER/pigments/HPLC/320619930325/320619930325_from_High Performance Liquid Chromatography Pigments.csv The header line picked: "studyName","Event","Cast","Bottle","Datetime.GMT","Station.Name","Line","Station","Latitude","Longitude","Irradiance","Depth","Chlorophyll.c3","Chlorophyllide","Chlorophyll.c2","Peridinin","Phaeophorbide","X19..butanoyloxyfucoxanthin","Fucoxanthin","Neoxanthin","Prasinoxanthin.","X19..hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin","Violaxanthin","Diadinoxanthin","Antheraxanthin","Alloxanthin","Diatoxanthin","Zeaxanthin","Lutein","Crocoxanthin","Chlorophyll.b","Echinenone","Divinyl.Chlorophyll.a","Chlorophyll.a","Lycopene","Phaeophytin","Alpha.carotene","Beta.carotene","Notes" The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: DVChla The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc2 The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: DD The variables found: DT The variables found: Phide_a The variables found: Phytin_a All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619961002/HPLC_pigments/HPLC_pigments.csv The header line picked: event,sta,cast,cast_type,bot,depth_n,chlide_a,chl_c3,chl_c,peridinin,fucox_but,fucox,fucox_hex,prasinox,violax,diadinox,allox,diatox,lutein,zeax,chl_b1, chl_a1,carotene_a,carotene_b,chl_a_tot The variables found: CASTNO The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: DD The variables found: DT All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619970113/HPLC_pigments/HPLC_pigments.csv The header line picked: event,sta,cast,cast_type,bot,depth_n,chlide_a,chl_c3, chl_c,peridinin,fucox_but, fucox,fucox_hex,prasinox,violax,diadinox, allox,diatox,lutein,zeax,chl_b1, chl_a1,carotene_a,carotene_b,chl_a_tot The variables found: CASTNO The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: TCHLA The variables found: Chla The variables found: Chla_ide The variables found: Chlb The variables found: Chlc The variables found: Chlc3 The variables found: 19Hex The variables found: 19But The variables found: Fucox The variables found: Perid The variables found: Prasino The variables found: Allox The variables found: Lutein The variables found: Zeax The variables found: Violax The variables found: Alpha_car The variables found: Beta_car The variables found: DD The variables found: DT All good? E:/Data_downloads/PAL-LTER/pigments/CHL/320619930325/320619930325_from_Chlorophyll (Cruise)_edited.csv The header line picked: "studyName","Event","Cast.Number","Bottle","Depth","Datetime.GMT","Latitude","Longitude","Nominal.Station","Grid.Line","Grid.Station","Irradiance","Chlorophyll","Phaeopigment","Filter.Code","Platform","Sampling.Device","Notes" The variables found: STNNBR The variables found: DATE_analyser The variables found: TIME_analyser The variables found: LAT_analyser The variables found: LON_analyser The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: FCHLORA The variables found: FPHEO All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619961002/phaeopigments/phaeopigments.csv The header line picked: event,sta,cast,cast_type,bot,depth_n,Fo_to_Fa,chl_a_fluor, phaeo The variables found: CASTNO The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: FCHLORA The variables found: FPHEO All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619970113/phaeopigments/phaeopigments.csv The header line picked: event,sta,cast,cast_type,bot,depth_n,Fo_to_Fa,chl_a_fluor, phaeo The variables found: CASTNO The variables found: BOTTLE The variables found: DEPTH The variables found: FCHLORA The variables found: FPHEO All good?