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E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20021217/353L20021217_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? 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E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20071231/353L20071231_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20080217/353L20080217_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20081022/353L20081022_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20091021/353L20091021_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619980225/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619971105/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619970404/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619970113/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619961002/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20161216/underway/PS103_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/33RR20160208/33RR20160208_CO2_underway_SOCATv5.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Sal Temp Tequ [°C] PPPP [hPa] Pequ [hPa] Sal interp PPPP interp [hPa] Bathy depth interp/grid [m] Distance [km] xCO2water_equ_dry [µmol/mol] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] Algorithm Flag The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/33RO20071215/underway/33RO20071215-track_CO2_underway_SOCATv6.tab The header line picked: DateTime Longitude Latitude Depth water [m] Sal Temp Tequ [°C] PPPP [hPa] Pequ [hPa] Sal interp (extracted from the World Ocea...) PPPP interp [hPa] (extracted from the NCEP/NCAR ...) Bathy depth interp/grid [m] (extracted from the 2-Minute G...) Distance [km] (d2l, estimated distance to ma...) xCO2air_interp [µmol/mol] (extracted from GLOBALVIEW-CO2) xCO2water_equ_dry [µmol/mol] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] (fCO2rec, Recomputed after SOC...) Algorithm (fCO2rec_src, Algorithm for ge...) Flag (fCO2rec_flag, WOCE quality fl...) The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/33RR20080204/underway/33RR20080205_CO2_underway_SOCATv3.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Sal Temp Tequ [°C] PPPP [hPa] Pequ [hPa] Sal interp (extracted from the World Ocea...) PPPP interp [hPa] (extracted from the NCEP/NCAR ...) Bathy depth interp/grid [m] (extracted from the 2-Minute G...) Distance [km] (d2l, estimated distance to ma...) xCO2air_interp [µmol/mol] (extracted from GLOBALVIEW-CO2) xCO2water_equ_dry [µmol/mol] fCO2water_equ_wet [µatm] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] (fCO2rec, Recomputed after SOC...) Algorithm (fCO2rec_src, Algorithm for ge...) Flag (fCO2rec_flag, WOCE quality fl...) The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20040121/underway/PS65_3_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: Date Latitude Longitude Depth Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20071128/underway/PS71_2_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20080418/underway/PS71_4_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20100129/underway/PS75_3_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20100407/underway/PS75_4_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20120107/underway/PS79_3_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20130814/underway/PS81_7_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20181215/underway/PS117_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? 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E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20130704/uwy/MNF_SS2013_V04_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? 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E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/096U20160314/uwy/MNF_IN2016_V02_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? 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E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20021217/353L20021217_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20030219/353L20030219_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? 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E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20031205/353L20031205_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20040218/353L20040218_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? 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E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20061020/353L20061020_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20070114/353L20070114_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20071028/353L20071028_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20071231/353L20071231_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20080217/353L20080217_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20081022/353L20081022_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/IMOS/LAstrolabe/underway/353L20091021/353L20091021_from_Fast_Repetition_Rate_Fluorometry_(FRRF)_data_collected_on_the_RV_L'Astrolabe.csv The header line picked: "FID","measurement_id","file_id","TIME","vessel_name","LATITUDE","LONGITUDE","TEMP","PSAL","PAR","FoL","FmL","FvL","Fv_Fm_ratio","SigL","pL","TauL","GAIN","LATITUDE_quality_control","LONGITUDE_quality_control","TEMP_quality_control","PSAL_quality_control","PAR_quality_control","FoL_quality_control","FmL_quality_control","FvL_quality_control","Fv_Fm_ratio_quality_control","SigL_quality_control","pL_quality_control","TauL_quality_control","GAIN_quality_control","geom" The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: Sample_ID The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619980225/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619971105/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619970404/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619970113/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/JGOFS/320619961002/ship_uway/ship_uway.csv The header line picked: yrday, date, time, lat, lon,speed_ship,hdop_gps,hdg_gyro, CMG, PAR, SST, cond, sal,depth_ocean,wind_sp,wind_dir,temp_air,humidity,press_bar,fluor_1,fluor_2 The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20161216/underway/PS103_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/33RR20160208/33RR20160208_CO2_underway_SOCATv5.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Sal Temp Tequ [°C] PPPP [hPa] Pequ [hPa] Sal interp PPPP interp [hPa] Bathy depth interp/grid [m] Distance [km] xCO2water_equ_dry [µmol/mol] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] Algorithm Flag The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/33RO20071215/underway/33RO20071215-track_CO2_underway_SOCATv6.tab The header line picked: DateTime Longitude Latitude Depth water [m] Sal Temp Tequ [°C] PPPP [hPa] Pequ [hPa] Sal interp (extracted from the World Ocea...) PPPP interp [hPa] (extracted from the NCEP/NCAR ...) Bathy depth interp/grid [m] (extracted from the 2-Minute G...) Distance [km] (d2l, estimated distance to ma...) xCO2air_interp [µmol/mol] (extracted from GLOBALVIEW-CO2) xCO2water_equ_dry [µmol/mol] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] (fCO2rec, Recomputed after SOC...) Algorithm (fCO2rec_src, Algorithm for ge...) Flag (fCO2rec_flag, WOCE quality fl...) The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/33RR20080204/underway/33RR20080205_CO2_underway_SOCATv3.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Sal Temp Tequ [°C] PPPP [hPa] Pequ [hPa] Sal interp (extracted from the World Ocea...) PPPP interp [hPa] (extracted from the NCEP/NCAR ...) Bathy depth interp/grid [m] (extracted from the 2-Minute G...) Distance [km] (d2l, estimated distance to ma...) xCO2air_interp [µmol/mol] (extracted from GLOBALVIEW-CO2) xCO2water_equ_dry [µmol/mol] fCO2water_equ_wet [µatm] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm] (fCO2rec, Recomputed after SOC...) Algorithm (fCO2rec_src, Algorithm for ge...) Flag (fCO2rec_flag, WOCE quality fl...) The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20040121/underway/PS65_3_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: Date Latitude Longitude Depth Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20071128/underway/PS71_2_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20080418/underway/PS71_4_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20100129/underway/PS75_3_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20100407/underway/PS75_4_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20120107/underway/PS79_3_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20130814/underway/PS81_7_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/PANGEAE/06AQ20181215/underway/PS117_surf_oce.tab The header line picked: DateTime Latitude Longitude Depth water [m] Temp Sal The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20060328/uwy/MNF_SS200603_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20130704/uwy/MNF_SS2013_V04_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/096U20150320/uwy/MNF_IN2015_V01_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/096U20160314/uwy/MNF_IN2016_V02_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/096U20160426/uwy/MNF_IN2016_V03_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/096U20180110/uwy/MNF_IN2018_V01_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/096U20160107/uwy/MNF_IN2016_V01_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS19960416/uwy/NCMI_SS199602_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS19961120/uwy/NCMI_SS199606_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS19990206/uwy/NCMI_SS199902_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20040120/uwy/MNF_SS200401_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20040723/uwy/MNF_SS200407_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20050721/uwy/MNF_SS200507_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20051118/uwy/MNF_SS200510_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20100730/uwy/MNF_SS2010_V06_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20101015/uwy/MNF_SS2010_V09_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20120811/uwy/MNF_SS2012_V04_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/Marlin/09SS20120907/uwy/MNF_SS2012_T06_uwy_trawler.csv The header line picked: Survey,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Position QC,Project,MarLIN,MarLIN UUID,MAAP_STATUS,MAAP_STATUS_QC,AIR_PRESSURE,AIR_PRESSURE_QC,ALTITUDE,ALTITUDE_QC,AIR_TEMP,AIR_TEMP_QC,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE,PCO2_CONDENSER_TEMPERATURE_QC,COURSE_OG,COURSE_OG_QC,DEPTH,DEPTH_QC,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_QC,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_EQUILIBRATOR_PRESSURE_QC,FLUORESCENCE,FLUORESCENCE_QC,HUMIDITY,HUMIDITY_QC,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW,PCO2_LICOR_FLOW_QC,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE,PCO2_LICOR_PRESSURE_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST,IMOS_MAX_WIND_GUST_QC,WIND_GUST,WIND_GUST_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_MODE_QC,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP,OPTODE_WATER_TEMP_QC,OXYGEN_SATURATION,OXYGEN_SATURATION_QC,PAR,PAR_QC,PORT_DEW_POINT,PORT_DEW_POINT_QC,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED,PCO2_PUMP_SPEED_QC,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_STBD_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR,IMOS_PORT_PYRANOMTR_QC,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR,IMOS_PORT_RADIOMTR_QC,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR,IMOS_STBD_RADIOMTR_QC,RAIN,RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN,IMOS_RAIN_QC,PORT_RAIN,PORT_RAIN_QC,STBD_RAIN,STBD_RAIN_QC,IMOS_RAIN_RATE,IMOS_RAIN_RATE_QC,SALINITY,SALINITY_QC,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,HEADING,HEADING_QC,LOG,LOG_QC,SPEED_OG,SPEED_OG_QC,STBD_DEW_POINT,STBD_DEW_POINT_QC,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION,RAW_WIND_DIRECTION_QC,RAW_WIND_SPEED,RAW_WIND_SPEED_QC,PCO2_VENT_FLOW,PCO2_VENT_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_FLOW,PCO2_WATER_FLOW_QC,FLUOROMETER_FLOW,FLUOROMETER_FLOW_QC,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU,PCO2_WATER_TEMP_EQU_QC,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR,PCO2_WATER_VAPOUR_QC,WIND_SPEED,WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_WIND_DIR,IMOS_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_DIRECTION,WIND_DIRECTION_QC,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR,IMOS_MAX_WIND_DIR_QC,WIND_GUST_DIR,WIND_GUST_DIR_QC,PCO2_XCO2,PCO2_XCO2_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC,FLUORESCENCE_CONC_QC,GYRO_HEADING,GYRO_HEADING_QC,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_WATER_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_WATER_SPEED_QC,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED,LONGITUDINAL_GROUND_SPEED_QC,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED,TRANSVERSE_GROUND_SPEED_QC,LOCK_ON_WATER,LOCK_ON_WATER_QC,LOCK_ON_GROUND,LOCK_ON_GROUND_QC,PORT_AIR_TEMP,PORT_AIR_TEMP_QC,PORT_HUMIDITY,PORT_HUMIDITY_QC,STBD_AIR_TEMP,STBD_AIR_TEMP_QC,STBD_HUMIDITY,STBD_HUMIDITY_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR,PORT_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED,PORT_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR,PORT_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,PORT_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR,STBD_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED,STBD_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR,STBD_TRUE_WIND_DIR_QC,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED,STBD_TRUE_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_SPEED_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_REL_WIND_DIR_QC,PORT_PAR,PORT_PAR_QC,STBD_PAR,STBD_PAR_QC,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP,TSG_SENSOR_TEMP_QC,TSG_FLOW,TSG_FLOW_QC,LAB_MAIN_FLOW,LAB_MAIN_FLOW_QC,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW,LAB_BRANCH_FLOW_QC,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP,INFRARED_SEA_SURFACE_TEMP_QC,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING,AIR_SAMPLING_INLET_BEARING_QC,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING,TRACKING_TARGET_BEARING_QC,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION,PORT_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION,STBD_KEEL_EXTENSION_QC,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION,BLACK_CARBON_CONCENTRATION_QC,AIR_FLOW_RATE,AIR_FLOW_RATE_QC,OZONE_1,OZONE_1_QC,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG,OZONE_1_METER_FLAG_QC,OZONE_2,OZONE_2_QC,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG,OZONE_2_METER_FLAG_QC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC,CARBON_DIOXIDE_DRY_CONC_QC,METHANE_DRY_CONC,METHANE_DRY_CONC_QC,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE,WATER_CONC_PERCENTAGE_QC,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD,IMOS_ULTRASONIC_TRUE_WIND_SPD_QC The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDDOXY The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg039.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg040.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20161230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg366.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg354.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg355.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg356.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg357.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg358.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg359.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg360.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg361.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg362.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg363.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620031218/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg364.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg039.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg040.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg041.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg042.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg043.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620050128/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg044.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620060131/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620060131/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620060131/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620060131/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg360.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg361.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg362.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg363.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg364.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg365.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620161224/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg366.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg342.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg343.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg344.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg345.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg346.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg347.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg348.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg349.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg350.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg351.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg352.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg353.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg354.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg355.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg356.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg357.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg358.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg359.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg360.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg361.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg362.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg363.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620151207/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg364.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg104.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg105.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg106.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg107.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg108.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg109.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg110.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg111.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg112.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg113.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg114.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg115.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg116.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg117.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg118.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg119.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg120.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg121.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg122.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg123.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg124.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg125.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg126.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg127.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg128.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg129.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg130.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg131.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg132.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg133.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg134.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg135.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg136.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg137.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg138.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg139.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg140.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg141.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg142.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg143.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg144.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg145.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg146.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg147.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg148.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg149.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg150.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg151.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg152.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg153.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg154.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg155.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg156.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg157.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg158.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170410/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg159.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg184.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg185.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg186.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg187.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg188.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg189.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg190.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg191.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg192.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg193.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg194.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg195.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg196.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg197.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg198.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg199.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg200.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg201.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg202.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg203.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg204.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg205.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg206.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg207.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg208.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg209.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg210.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg211.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg212.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg213.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg214.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg215.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg216.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg217.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg218.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg219.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg220.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg221.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg222.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg223.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg224.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg225.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg226.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg227.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg228.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620170703/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg229.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg069.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg070.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg071.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg072.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg073.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg074.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg075.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg076.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg077.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg078.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg079.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg080.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg081.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg082.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg083.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg084.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg085.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg086.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg087.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg088.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg089.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg090.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg091.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg092.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg093.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg094.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg095.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg096.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg097.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg099.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg100.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg101.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg102.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg103.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg104.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg105.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg106.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg107.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg108.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg109.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg110.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg111.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg112.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg113.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg114.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg115.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg116.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg117.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg118.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg119.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg120.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg121.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg122.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg123.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg124.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg125.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg126.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg127.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg128.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg129.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620180309/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg130.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg079.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg080.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg081.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg082.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg083.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg084.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg085.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg086.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg087.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg088.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg089.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg090.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg091.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg092.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg093.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg094.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg095.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg096.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg097.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg098.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg099.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg100.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg101.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg102.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg103.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg104.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg105.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg106.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg107.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg108.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg109.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg110.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg111.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg112.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg113.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg114.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg115.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg116.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg117.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg118.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg119.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg120.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg121.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg122.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg123.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620140320/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg124.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg050.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg051.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg052.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg053.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg054.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg055.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg056.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg057.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg058.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg059.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg060.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg061.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg062.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg063.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg064.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg065.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg066.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg067.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg068.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg069.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg070.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg071.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg072.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg073.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg074.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg075.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg076.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg077.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg078.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg079.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg080.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg081.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg082.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg083.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg084.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg085.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg086.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg087.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg088.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg089.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg090.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg091.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg092.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg093.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg094.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg095.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg096.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg097.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg098.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg099.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg100.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg101.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg102.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg103.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg104.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg105.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg106.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg107.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg108.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg109.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg110.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/320620110219/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg111.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20020102/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20021231/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg044.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg045.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg046.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg047.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg048.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg049.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg050.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg051.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg052.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg053.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg054.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg055.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg056.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg057.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg058.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg059.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg060.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg061.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg062.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg063.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg064.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg065.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg066.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg067.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg068.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg069.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg070.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg071.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg072.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg073.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg074.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg075.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg076.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg077.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg078.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg079.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg080.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg081.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg082.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20040212/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg083.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg365.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20041229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg366.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg039.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20071230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg365.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20081230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg366.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20091230/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20110101/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg039.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg364.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20111229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg365.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20131229/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg365.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg001.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg002.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg003.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg364.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20141227/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg365.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg004.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg005.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg006.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg007.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg008.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg009.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg010.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg011.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg012.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg013.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg014.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg015.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg016.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg017.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg018.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg019.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg020.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg021.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg022.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg023.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg024.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg025.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg026.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg027.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg028.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg029.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg030.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg031.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg032.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg033.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg034.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg035.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg036.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg037.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg038.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg039.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg040.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg041.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg042.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg043.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg044.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg045.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg046.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good? E:/Data_downloads/MGDS/33LG20160103/uwy/adapted/heads_insert_jg047.dat The header line picked: date time lat lon speed gpshdop gyro course PAR SST SSC SSS depth ws wd AirTemp RH BP Fluor Trans PSP PIR The variables found: DATE The variables found: TIME The variables found: LATITUDE The variables found: LONGITUDE The variables found: CTDSAL The variables found: CTDTMP The variables found: CTDFLUOR The variables found: CTDXMISS The variables found: PAR The variables found: WIND_SPEED The variables found: WIND_dir All good?