---Download Instructions - Seamap Australia UNVALIDATED data package--- Option 1: Pre-packaged Shapefile The Seamap Australia Unvalidated layer is available in a zipped Shapefile (.shp) package, which can be read by any desktop GIS software. NOTE THIS IS THE COMPLETE, UNSUBSETTED LAYER. Delivery as ESRI Shapefile is no longer possible as the layer has outgrown ESRI's 2GB filesize limitations. To download the zipped Shapefile, locate the "DATA ACCESS OPTION 1" link in the metadata record (direct download, ~540MB) Option 2: Streamable + subsettable CSV format The Seamap Australia Unvalidated layer is available in CSV format via WFS service, which can be read by any desktop GIS software. NOTE THIS IS THE COMPLETE, UNSUBSETTED LAYER. To download as CSV, locate the "DATA ACCESS OPTION 2" link in the metadata record. Option 3: Subsettable ESRI Shapefile If accessessing Seamap Australia through the Seamap Australia data portal (https://seamapaustralia.org/map), the data can be subsetted spatially. Note that this option takes some time to compile the Shapefile before the download commences. If your selected area is too large, the download may time out (fail). In this case, please make a smaller selection, or choose another download option. Option 4: Web Mapping / Web Feature Service To connect directly to the current version of the Seamap Australia NBHL via WMS or WFS, use the following connection parameters WMS: http://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/seamap/wms WFS: http://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/seamap/wfs Layer: SeamapAus_NBHL_unvalidated