Rasters in this folder have been generated using all publicly-available bathymetry data in Australian Marine Parks (collated from AusSeabed, AODN, and known institutional holdings). Each raster has been generated as a mosaic product of multiple datasets per AMP. Mosaiced products are gridded at the resolution of the *finest-scale survey within that AMP* - in some cases, as fine as 0.5m. This means that, for AMPs with a large % of bathymetry mapped but only a small % of this at high resolution, the entire bathymetry product has been re-gridded at that finer resolution. For example, each cell of a 50 x 50m gridded product re-sampled at 1m will be comprised of 2,500 1x1m gridcells with an identical value. This may impact subsequent derivatives, e.g. slope. All raster have lossless DEFLATE compression and are tiled to optimise web display as image mosaics via WMS (https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/geoserver/wms; seamap:mosaiced_bathymetry_AMP_grp). ---RESERVE--- ---MOSAICED RESOLUTION--- Abrolhos 16m Apollo 2m Arafura 2m Argo-Rowley Terrace 50m Arnhem 5m Ashmore Reef 2m Beagle 1m Boags 1m Bremer 2.5m Carnarvon Canyon 53m Cartier Island 2m Central Eastern 10m Christmas Island 50m Cocos (Keeling) Islands 10m Cod Grounds 2m Coral Sea 15m (native 10m) Dampier 10m East Gippsland 32m Eastern Recherche 2.5m Eighty Mile Beach 5m Flinders 2m Franklin 5m Freycinet 2m (native 1m) Gascoyne 3m Geographe 5m Gifford 20m Great Australian Bight 10m Gulf of Carpentaria 5m Heard Island and McDonald Islands 100m Hunter 2m Huon 2m (native 1m) Jervis 10m Jurien 2.5m Kimberley 3m Lord Howe 5m Macquarie Island 10m Mermaid Reef 10m Montebello 10m Murray 10m Nelson 50m Ningaloo 3m Norfolk 2m (native 1m) Oceanic Shoals 5m (native 2m) Perth Canyon 10m Roebuck 10m Shark Bay 15m Solitary Islands 2m South Tasman Rise 32m South-west Corner 5m (native 2.5m) Tasman Fracture 3m (native 2m) Twilight 10m Two Rocks 15m Wessel 5m West Cape York 2m (native 1m) Western Eyre 15m Western Kangaroo Island 10m Zeehan 5m