---README--- This data package contains outputs from a multinomial generalised linear model predicting the distribution of five broad ecosystem classes of benthic habitat in the 'Capes' region of the South-west Corner Marine Park: seagrass, sessile invertebrates, macroalgae, bare consolidated, bare unconsolidated (see https://metadata.imas.utas.edu.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/e1ca78ee-8b4f-42d3-b60a-13bf44faf95b). This dataset was generated using a broad-scale (250 m resolution) input bathymetry grid, and all outputs are at 250 m spatial resolution. ---Model Outputs--- The model outputs are provided in two formats: (1) Continuous Probability Estimates This comprises a set of 5 multiband rasters for each ecosystem component, each with three bands: - Lower 95th credible interval (0.025 quantile): the lower bound of the predicted probability range - Mean probability of occurrence: the central estimate from the posterior distribution - Upper 95th credible interval (0.975 quantile): the upper bound of the predicted probability range *EXAMPLE* A seagrass mean value of 0.88 with lower-upper CIs of 0.45-0.96 indicates that the model predicts an 88% probability of seagrass occurrence at that location, with 95% of all model predictions falling within the range 0.45-0.96. (2) Thresholded Probability Estimates This combrises a set of 50 singleband rasters capturing model certainty at 10 probability thresholds (quantiles 1-10) for each ecosystem component. Each raster represents the probability that a given habitat class occurs at or above a specific threshold. *EXAMPLE* A pixel value of 0.65 for seagrass q7 (quantile = 0.6) indicates the model is 65% certain that seagrass has an 0.6 or greater probability of occurrence at that location. ---Web Map Services (WMS)--- Web Map Services for use in GIS software are available from https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/predicted_habitat/wms with the following layer names: * Probability of occurrence (5-class combined view): 'SWC_broadscale_EcosystemComponents5class_mean' * Thresholded probability of occurrence maps (per ecosystem type, quantiles 1-10): 'SWC_broadscale_pred_consolidated_uncert_P1' 'SWC_broadscale_pred_unconsolidated_uncert_P1' 'SWC_broadscale_pred_seagrass_uncert_P1' 'SWC_broadscale_pred_macroalgae_uncert_P1' 'SWC_broadscale_pred_sessile_inverts_uncert_P1' ...repeat for quantiles P2-P10 using the same syntax ---Data directory structure--- * Folder: 'means_95CI' Contains multiband (3-band) tifs for each ecosystem component, representing the lower 95th credible interval (CI) (0.025 quantile), mean probability of occurrence, and upper 95th credible interval (0.975). Band 1 = lower 95th CI, Band 2 = mean, Band 3 = upper 95th CI File naming convention: - SWC_broadscale_pred_consolidated_mean95CI.tif = lower 95th CI, mean, upper 95th CI for bare consolidated substrata - SWC_broadscale_pred_unconsolidated_mean95CI.tif = lower 95th CI, mean, upper 95th CI for bare unconsolidated substrata - SWC_broadscale_pred_seagrass_mean95CI.tif = lower 95th CI, mean, upper 95th CI for seagrass - SWC_broadscale_pred_macroalgae_mean95CI.tif = lower 95th CI, mean, upper 95th CI for macroalgae - SWC_broadscale_pred_sessile_inverts_mean95CI.tif = lower 95th CI, mean, upper 95th CI for sessile invertebrates * Folder: 'thresholded' Contains singleband tifs representing model certainty at 10 probability thresholds (quantiles) for each ecosystem component. Each quantile tif indicates the model's certainty that a given habitat class will occur at or above that threshold. Quantile mapping: p1=0.000001 (i.e. >0), p2=0.1, p3=0.2, p4=0.3, p5=0.4, p6=0.5, p7=0.6, p8=0.7, p9=0.8, p10=0.9 File naming convention: - pred_consolidated_uncert_.tif = model certainty that the occurrence of bare consolidated habitat exceeds the specified quantile (1-10) - pred_unconsolidated_uncert_.tif = model certainty that the occurrence of bare unconsolidated habitat exceeds the specified quantile (1-10) - pred_seagrass_uncert_.tif = model certainty that the occurrence of seagrass exceeds the specified quantile (1-10) - pred_macroalgae_uncert_.tif = model certainty that the occurrence of macroalgae exceeds the specified quantile (1-10) - pred_sessile_inverts_uncert_.tif = model certainty that the occurrence of sessile invertebrates exceeds the specified quantile (1-10)