---README--- This data package describes the outputs of a binomial generalised linear model for Temperate Australian waters discriminating 'functional reef' from sediment (see https://metadata.imas.utas.edu.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/b349c610-32c5-4574-ae8e-43cbf204e8bc). Data is organised as (1) a mean probability of occurrence, and (2) uncertainty (error of prediction) as a separate package that can be viewed in parallel. Web Map Services for use in GIS software are available from https://geoserver.imas.utas.edu.au/predicted_habitat/wms with the following layer names: * Probability of occurrence: TemperateAus_broadscale_predArea_binomial_reef * Error of prediction: TemperateAus_binomial_predicted_reef_ERROR ---Data directory structure--- * Folder 'error' - binomial_preds_reef_error.IQR.tif = Inter-quartile range error of predidction. This represents the absolute difference between the lower 25th and upper 75th credible intervals from the posterior predictive distribution. * Folder 'means' - lower 25% credible interval of prediction (binomial_preds_reef_lower_qrt.tif) - upper 75% credible interval of prediction (binomial_preds_reef_upper_qrt.tif) - mean prediction (binomial_preds_reef_mean.tif) * Subfolder 'combined' - Multiband (3-band) tif combining lower CI, mean, & upper CI (binomial_preds_reef_range_multi.tif). Band 1 = lower 25% credible interval (CI), Band 2 = mean prediction, Band 3 = upper 75% CI.